We are now booking our flu vaccination appointments, please phone the surgery on (01803) 327100 and press option 1 when prompted.
At present Flu Vaccinations are for Patients with Chronic conditions and the over 65’s, 50 – 64 yr olds can be vaccinated from 15th October.
In the past we have run clinics with lots of patients coming into the building at the same time. Due to Covid – 19, so as to keep you safe we are having to reduce the number of patients that we can deal with per hour because of Social Distancing and Infection Control. To compensate we will be putting on far more clinics including weekend clinics just so that we can deal with the same number of patients as in previous years.
We would ask that you don’t turn up more than 5 minutes before your allotted time, if you are brought by a relative or friend they will have to wait for you in their car rather than sit in the waiting room, (unless you need them to help you walk in); we would also ask that you don’t turn up late as this may result in us having to turn you away.
If we start to get too many patients in the waiting room you may be asked to wait in the carpark until we are ready for you, (the spaces by the pharmacy are also for our patients to park so please use them) it may be useful to bring your phone so we can call you in when ready just in case., However for the Saturday clinics the car park will be closed to vehicles.
Upon entering the surgery we would ask that you use the hand sanitiser and answer the standard Covid questions when asked regarding temperature, cough, loss of senses that are common place these days. It would also help if you wear clothing that allows you to easily and quickly expose the top of your arm ready for the injection.
We thank you in anticipation of your assistance and please remember to wear a face covering.
The Doctors
Southover Medical Practice