The Torbay C-Card is a service offering free condoms, lubricant and sexual health information. It is available to young people age 13 up to their 25th birthday who live in Torbay.
- You will not be judged and the workers are there to support you and provide you with sexual health information.
- The C-Card worker will ask you a few questions for their records, but will explain this process to you. Confidentiality will be explained to you as well.
- To join the C-Card all you have to do is visit one of the places displaying the C-Card sign.
- You will be given information about safer and more effective use of condoms including advice on any problems like condoms splitting, or not using one and then be given some general information on sexual health.
- The service is confidential. This means that what you say will be kept private, unless the worker is concerned that you or someone else is at risk of significant harm.
C-Card offers a range of condoms in different shapes, sizes and flavours – so try out a few and see which suits you best.
Always use a condom. Used correctly condoms can protect from sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy. However, if it bursts and you are worried about the risk of infection or pregnancy then help is at hand:
- Emergency contraception can be used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex and is free for young people aged 25 and under at a number of pharmacies in Torbay
- Unplanned pregnancy
- STI’s – for STI testing in Torbay telephone 01803 656500